Understand how bidding for jobs works on Onlinetradesmen.ie

Bidding explained

The Onlinetradesmen bidding system increases your chances of winning work. 

After you have replied to a job you will get an option to call the customer. A maximum of 3 members can access the customer's number.
Once the job is posted the first 1-60 minutes is called the 'bidding period' when you can bid call credits for the customer's number. 

The customer number will sent by sms to the top 3 bids. If the job has not been bid on by 3 members and is still available after the initial 60 minutes, it will be available to be purchased immediately, until 3 members have received the number.

  • You are not bidding on the job, you're bidding for the customer's phone number. They can choose to ignore the calls and they can also call tradesmen that have not received their number so it is only a secondary contact. Remember your online reply is the most effective way to win work

  • A job description that begins with "NO MOBILE NUMBER GIVEN" means the customer has requested not to be called and only wants to receive online replies and call back the tradesmen they feel are best for the job.  DO NOT bid or purchase these jobs as there is no mobile number available.

Remember you're bidding credits, not real money!

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